Sunday, February 24, 2013

Final Reflection ~ Integrating Technology Across Content Area

As I look back over the last seven weeks, especially reflecting over my GAME plan, I can see how much I have grown as an educator. The amount of knowledge I have gained not only from the web casts and resources, but from my wonderful classmates. You have all helped me in so many ways to find strength, motivation, and confidence to integrate technology into my mathematics classroom. Every new teacher has their ups and downs, right now I am on the up!

As previously mentioned, my main goal for this course was to add technology into my math lessons. I have obviously, used the Internet before, but I will be using it more with a student-centered classroom. They will become more of the teachers and I will be their guide! Having a Smart board can only benefit me more when incorporating technology. The students can use it to show their presentations, display final projects, or reflect on blog postings. I have created and established lesson plans that will be incorporated into my math classroom in the up and coming months. In developing these lesson plans, I was forced to look at different methods of instruction. I was then able to design a problem-based lesson, an educational networking lesson, and a lesson involving final presentations, where students can potential use digital storytelling. Normally, I like routine, structure, and order, but this course really had me think outside the box and step out of my comfort zone. This is why I chose this master’s program to begin with! I needed this eye opener. I need the push to move forward.

 When it comes to modifying my GAME plan, the only major factor would be time. I need time to gather permission from the appropriate administrators and then time to implement these new lesson plans. After incorporating technology into my classroom and proceeding with my new lesson plans, I can learn whether the time I have planned will be sufficient and whether or not I need to provide further instruction in either the guidelines or the new forms of technology.
Teachers must keep in mind you do not create a lesson for the use of technology, but rather you incorporate technology into the lesson already planned. You should bring the technology to your content area and still fulfill the required standards. Providing students with these skills will enable them to succeed in today’s world!

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